Monday, May 11, 2009

My Obama Momemt

This is me in Chicago in November 2004. My wife Ann and I were on a vacation to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. We were just strolling around downtown Chicago when we noticed a bunch of people gathered near an entrance to an office building. We looked over and saw Barack Obama inside, giving a press interview in the lobby.
We were just standing on the street and moments later Obama came walking out and right towards us. I quickly gave the camera to Ann and told her to catch a shot of me and Obama. As he walked past me, I said hello to him and asked for a picture. A security staff person said he has no time he must go, so I stuck my hand out to shake his hand and that's when Ann took the photo. That's me in the sweater, balding.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Humans, God and Our Place in the Universe

I have not written in quite a long time. I guess once Obama won the election and the country was once again back in control of humans, I calmed down and just enjoyed the moment. I have recently hooked up with a friend of mine from college and he and I share similar interests.

The following is an excerpt from a recent e-mail to him. I figured this is the perfect beginning to starting to write on this blog again.

I don't remember... did I bring up God in reference to the movie Contact? Nevertheless, your point is right on! I, too believe that science and religion are not necessarily mutually exclusive. For example, I believe in a Creator (an original source) and I also believe in evolution. In my mind they get along very well.... they even go out on dates! But it begs the question, where did the Creator get its power from? At the end of the day, after all discussions and arguments for or against either side or both sides, I think we are way way too dumb to claim to know any meaningful answers.

I mean come on, Homo Sapien Sapiens have only been around what a couple of hundred thousand years right? The friggin dinosaurs roamed the Earth for 100 MILLION years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (if only they had opposable thumbs.. haha). But seriously, what if we were already visited by aliens a little over 65 million years ago and they went back to their planet and said "Earth is inhabited by a bunch of stupid monsters. Forget about that planet having any potential for intelligence. "What about if we were around say, just 5 million years from now -- if we survive ourselves and any global natural disaster of course. What about 25 million years? 50? We obviously would have to be occupying multiple planets way before then. There would be too many people and and not enough resources to go around.

Our understanding of science and the universe itself would be beyond anything we could possibly comprehend right now. Our social behaviors, our religions, our customs and so many other things will be completely different or advanced if you will, but we may still not know the answer to the God question. So I, for one, am okay with admitting that I don't know and may not ever know, even after death, unless some sort of afterlife exists and I am conscious of this life. Then, and only then will I have an "Aha" moment and fully realize what has happened to me.Here's yet another perspective: What if we finally encounter an alien civilization far more advanced than ourselves and somehow we learn to communicate with one another. And they say to us that the Creator (God) indeed exists and He/She can be visited from time to time, but he's kinda busy right now because he's working on his 44th universe and won't be available for 9.645 million years! And oh, by the way human, how many dimensions have you discovered so far? We have 12.... And we were also wondering what levels of spiritual understanding have you evolved to? Our spiritual leaders can create new planets in the 6th dimension that help heal the needy and injured............. #%$^&*$ WHAT??? It would be incomprehensible to us.

Scientifically, we are merely 100 years old. WE DON'T KNOW SQUAT. We're too young. It's like asking an ant on the sidewalk to explain and write down the formula for how far the mid-atlantic ridge will separate North America, Eur-Asia and Africa in the next 500 million years. I am not saying religion is wrong. What I am saying is that surely can't actually know. If they are right on the money, it's only because their guess was lucky. Oh and by the way, which religion because there's a plethora.

What's your take? Sorry for the long e-mail but this is kinda fun!