Tuesday, October 21, 2008

In Response to Steve

Steve, Thanks for e-mailing me your comments.

I call these people handicapped. They disagree with the current situation, but it's like a scary dream... your body just can't move to get far away from it. For example, they don't like the war, they know Bush lied, but like him anyway. Handicapped. They need health care desperately and can't get it because of pre-existing conditions, but attach a stigma and call Obama's plan socialism, therefore, just sit and suffer and complain. Handicapped. They don't vote on any issues whatsoever. They don't care about anything having to do with facts and/or even opinion. They know they will vote Republican no matter who or what creatures run on that ticket. Handicapped, indeed.

One may want to say that they deserve their ill fate for being so stubborn, but what's really happening is fear kicking in. Fear!! Real fear from being an outcast of the family, fear from God, perhaps due to brainwashed ideas about abortion and gay rights and so on because the Republican machine has fooled them into thinking they are the party that God approves. But when they see Rush Limbaugh as a drug addict, they excuse him. When several members of congress are caught in gay affairs and prostitution, they excuse them. When Sarah Palin's 17 year-old daughter is pregnant out of wedlock and they even try to cover it up with a blanket over her stomach, they excuse it. Fear of God drives their passion. Once your life is in God's hands, two things are crystal clear: One is that you side with whoever says or does anything, no matter how illegal (Bush) or immoral (Palin killing Wolves) as long as they say God made them do it. The second is hatred is okay as long as you hate the right people (Muslims) and don't abort our children, but kill other children in wars and also by idly standing by and watching genocide and famine in Africa. That's when they say "Well we can't police the whole planet, it's not our fault."

Now don't misunderstand, I believe in and love God myself. But I love a just God. A God that loves all people. A God that believes in you and wants you to open your mind and learn and expand reach your potential. A God that recognized your fair and moral thoughts and actions. God wants you to create happiness in your life and be loving and true. That's what makes God happy.

Anyway, these are my thoughts for the day.
Go Obama!
Prepare yourselves for American unification and solidarity and respect around the world because it's coming!

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