Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My oh my. I just went on about 12 different blog sites and clearly people thought this debate tonight between McCain and Obama was won by Obama by far. Then I went on the FOX News site just to see..... and I could not believe the things I read. There is so much hatred and anger and bigotry coming from Republicans that it made me sick to my stomach. Talking about things like "Remember Obama can talk but he's still Black" or "He's a communist" It's so clear to me that in general, the Republican base just does not care about any issues whatsoever. Not health care, not peace and security, not the economy, certainly not education, and the future of Social Security, Medicare, and last but not least Global Warming.
They always have and always will vote on three topics:

1) Is the candidate likable?
Really meaning to say: "Is the candidate white, uneducated, gun toting and war hungry?"
The answer to that is YES. McCain/Palin fit that bill.

2) What values does the candidate have in common with me?
Really meaning to say: "Does the candidate dislike blacks, Jews, gay rights, Hispanics, Asians, poor people, abortion, gun control, all religions except Christianity?"
The answer to that is YES. McCain/Palin fit that bill.

3) Will the candidate keep Israel safe at all cost?
Really meaning to say: "Will the candidate, at a moment's notice bomb Iran, North Korea, Russia, France, Venezuela, etc..." Basically like the Bush Doctrine says, "you're either with us or against us." This speaks volumes to other countries! And we expect their help to solve global problems?
The answer to that sadly again is YES. McCain/Palin fit that bill.

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