Monday, October 20, 2008

Real Patriotic

So the GOP always preaches patriotism and they walk and talk proudly, as if they are somehow more American than everybody else. Last month I was listening to a local talk radio show in Charlotte and a caller said that people ripped her John Kerry sign off her yard four years ago. This year, the same thing happened with Obama signs. So she and her husband dug holes and poured concrete and set strong wood beams to support the sign and make it tough for pranksters to take away. One morning they discovered their lawn was torn up with tire tracks and someone had tied a chain to the back of their truck and ripped out the cemented sign once again. So I thought this was an isolated incident with a stupid neighbor or something. A few days later, I heard another story of a similar thing happening on another show is another state. Yesterday my wife discovered our yard sign was missing! In our neighborhood, there are about ten to fifteen McCain signs and we were one of just two homes with Obama signs. We checked the other Obama house down the street and sure enough, theirs was also missing.

Freedom of speech? American? Patriotism? These are not the words that come to mind. Words that DO come to mind are: Redneck, uneducated, hypocrite, violent.

That's all that needs to be said about that.

I lost a friend Friday. Wally Rooney passed away in Florida. He was an amazing person. He was full of life, full of energy, quick to tell a joke, quick to laugh at himself and best of all loyal and honorable. He worked hard all his life and never got a lucky break. He had three kids by the age of 21, forcing him to provide for his family with little consideration for himself. He was honorable and well respected. Wally was a young 71. Looking at him, one would guess he was about 58 or 60 years old. Wally, I love you and you will be missed more than you know!!

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