Thursday, October 16, 2008

Angry Bitter Man

Watching the last Presidential debate was sort of entertaining. I was confident Obama would be succinct and actually make sense. And I watched McCain make a total fool of himself with his faux Macho Bravado. McCain is a train wreck just waiting to happen. It's almost sad to see a man that people respected just a few months ago, end his political career utterly pummelled to the turf by a smarter, wiser, cooler headed American Visionary like Barack Obama. I am neither a far left liberal, nor a far right conservative. I am an artist. I look for truth in everything. I am a man that observes a person's body language, tone of voice, facial gestures, posture, eye contact, vocabulary, syntax and breathing patterns. But I also look at substance. One may argue that Sarah Palin has some of the qualities that I just listed when debating or speaking, but falls hard and flat as a pancake when it comes to substance. She's also overbearing and aggressive and has a very desperate need for power and control. That's why she pauses after every sentence, nodding her head, waiting for the crowd to approve every word uttered.

So yeah, Obama kicked McCain off the mat last night with plenty of substance as well as style points. The question now is will America buy him or do they still want to have a barbecue with McBush? McCain is an angry, Bitter man trying anything from week to week to stir things up. In your spare time, instead of watching TV, download transcripts from the debates. This powerful technique will allow you to focus only on substance (or lack there of) from each candidate. Especially the VP Debate. You will laugh in disbelief.

There is still almost 3 weeks left before November 4th. A lot could happen from the McCain camp. There are probably dozens of people in a back room researching and digging for dirt on Obama. There are another few dozen conservative radio talk shows spewing hate and scare tactics. These tactics have paid off for the GOP in the past, so I don't blame them for trying again, but Americans should recognize this and push back. Push back against division, hatred and ignorance. We must ask ourselves do we really envision our economic future in the hands of an angry 72 year-old War Monger; a chaotic, irrational man that exercised his very first decision on selecting the most unqualified, uneducated, cheerleader like Sarah Palin to help solve so many major issues we face? Or do we want a man that is respected around the world, and at the peak of his public career leading our Nation through the roughest times we have seen in our life times? His VP choice? Joe Biden. Biden probably knows more about foreign policy and international relationships that any other person in the Senate, including John McCain himself.

Enough said.

1 comment:

Hamid said...

Thank you Michael. Your anger and frustration is justified. We are experiencing an era of rapidly growing culture of cynicism that is eating away at the very infrastructure of our American life. It is hard to let go of everything this country ever stood for without a good fight. We can't trust the media, the politicians, Wall Street and the banks which are to safeguard our retirement nest egg. A time that bear the resembalance of the dysphoric periods of the Great Depression. It is hard not to be angry.

I met a woman in the produce section of my local grocery store yesterday. Some things came up and we started to talk. You know, one of those supermarket talks. Right of the bat she started to complain about the presidential candidate John McCain and the rest of the political maters. She sounded angry about the war and having lost a chunk of her 401K in the recent months. I tried to comfort her a bit by assuring her that by voting for Obama we have a chance to change things. She stunned me by her reply: Oh no, I can't vote for Obama. She said. In our family we always vote republican. That's a century old tradition we follow, she said proudly.

I was tempted to educate her or offer a word of advice, but I thought I better save that energy and use it where it might have a chance to make a difference. I simply walked away.